Study visit on interfaith dialogue and youth work in Malta

3 days study visit will give youth workers and other professionals a chance to learn about and from the interfaith dialogue and youth work approaches and practices in Malta.

Rendezvény időpontja

2024-12-02 - 2024-12-06

Jelentkezési határidő


Rendezvény lezárult

SALTO jelentkezés

Study Visit
2-6 December 2024 | Málta

for 22 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries: Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye

from Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU: Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, KOSOVO * UN RESOLUTION, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Russian Federation, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine

and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, , teachers, coaches, social and health workers, employment officers - believers, atheists, doubters or seekers.

Accessibility info:
This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.

Working language(s):

SALTO Inclusion & Diversity RC and the Maltese National Agency for the E+: Youth in Action programme (National Agency)






We want to take on a journey through faith, belief and how to build projects to encompass different perspectives in  youth & community projects.

Religion is often seen as a source of difference and conflict, but does it have to be that way? By perceiving interfaith dialogue as a positive resource and engaging in it meaningfully, we can build bridges across diverse communities, promote understanding, respect and peace.

What is interfaith dialogue and how can YOUth work address it is important question that we want to tackle with this study visit.

We want to create space for inspiration & reflection and look into ways to build constructive dialogue and analyse our own and the role of youth work in fostering positive interactions among individuals with different religious, faith or spiritual beliefs.

This study visit will guide participants through interfaith dialogue and youth work approaches and practices in Malta and what we can learn from it.

During the activity we will hear experts, visit local projects and meet organizations working on interfaith dialogue, community and peace building to see and discuss challenges and good practices in our work. This will allow us to have a closer look at the basic elements of interfaith dialogue, its potential and limits, as well its value and relevance today for young people in Malta and in  the countries of participants.

We’ll explore different layers and different dynamics of interfaith dialogue, issues of religious discrimination, religion and politics.

We want to discuss the pressing matters and challenges affecting interfaith dialogue and get inspired to make our programmes and organisations more inclusive and embracing of human differences.


Aim of the study visit

To develop youth workers 'diversity management’ skills in order to create better opportunities for young people faced with or at risk of religious discrimination.


  • To gain better understanding of interfaith dialogue as a tool for youth work through exploration of the different approaches and practices in Malta.

  • To get inspired and reflect on our own system of believes, values, policies and organisational practices.

  • To exchange realities, challenges and variety of ways of promoting interfaith dialogue as a mean for bridging communities.

  • To strengthen inter-faith dialogue and anti-discriminatory behaviours and practices among youth professionals.


Participants' profile

Max 22 professionals working directly with young people on a regular basis. This includes youth workers, youth leaders, teachers, coaches, social and health workers, employment officers… interested in fostering positive dialogue, understanding diverse perspectives and contributing to community and peace-building initiatives. Believers, atheists, doubters or seekers.

  • Participants who work with young people with different religious, faith or spiritual beliefs and/or minority and migrant background, will be given priority.

  • Interested in developing their diversity management skills and interfaith dialogue practices  

  • International experience is not a must. 

  • Able to work in (international) English.

  • From E+: YiA Programme and Partner countries



Study visit is co-organised by SALTO Inclusion & Diversity, the Maltese and Polish National Agency for the E+ programme.

The study visit builds on 5 ID Talks webinars (, seminar "Power of interfaith dialogue", October 2024, Austria and will be followed up with a training course and partnership building activity in 2025.

More info here!


Training overview


Hogyan lehet jelentkezni?
Kérjük, egyaránt töltse ki az idegen nyelvű (SALTO) és a magyar nyelvű jelentkezési lapot! 

A részvétel költségei: 
A résztvevők nemzetközi utazását, ill. biztosítási költségeit a Tempus Közalapítvány Erasmus+ ifjúsági csoport, a külföldi szállás és étkezés, valamint a programhoz kapcsolódó költségeket a fogadó nemzeti iroda vagy a szervező fedezi.

A résztvevő, a programra történő utazása során felmerülő egyéb utazási költségeket (transzfer költségek), valamint az utazáshoz kötelezően szükséges egészségügyi igazolásokhoz kapcsolódó költségeket (pl. PCR teszt) - mint a programhoz történő résztvevői hozzájárulást - fizeti. Amennyiben a transzfer költségek és az utazáshoz kötelezően szükséges egészségügyi igazolásokhoz kapcsolódó költségek együttes összege a 10.000 forintot meghaladja, úgy a Közalapítvány egyéni kérelem benyújtását követően - egyedi elbírálás alapján - a 10.000 forint feletti összeget megtéríti a résztvevő részére.

Felhívjuk a jelentkezők figyelmét, hogy az utazás megszervezése a Tempus Közalapítvány hatáskörébe tartozik. Az esetlegesen felmerülő többletköltségeket a Tempus Közalapítvány nem állja, a keletkezett károkért felelősséget nem vállal.

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024. szeptember 4.
Értesítés a jelentksezés eredményéről: 2024. szeptember 25.


Kiss Andrea / Ms Andrea Kiss
TCA-NET koordinátor / TCA-NET Coordinator 

Tempus Közalapítvány / Tempus Public Foundation 
1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
1438 Budapest 70, Pf. 508.
T: (+36 1) 237 1300 |  F: (+36 1) 239 1329 | | |