The Power of Non Formal Education (Bulgaria)

Main aim: to improve our educational impacts through experiencing a non-formal educational (NFE) process.

Rendezvény időpontja

2025-01-21 - 2025-01-26

Jelentkezési határidő


Rendezvény lezárult

SALTO jelentkezés

Training Course

21-26 January 2025 | Sofia, Bulgaria

Main aim: to improve our educational impacts through experiencing a non-formal educational (NFE) process.

More concretely: 
-  To broaden our perception of NFE and its potential impacts in our different realities in Europe.
-  To explore the complementarity between formal and non-formal educational sector.
- To affirm the political dimension of non-formal education, as a way to take an active role in society (empowerment process).
- To reconsider our daily educational work practices, identify our challenges in order to improve the coherence between values we promote and our daily actions.

How it will be done?

In order to have real impacts, the participants experience an innovative approach, using a full immersion in the experiential learning cycle: doing/ feeling, reflecting, transferring...

The TC is not limited to the couple of days the participants spend together but starts before the actual encounter. Participants should therefore be well aware that they will be actively involved from the very beginning.

And besides the planned objectives and content of the activity, in informal moments, it is also an ideal opportunity to eventually find partners for future European projects.

Pre-training immersion

Starting around 6 weeks before the training, through the “NFE News”, participants will receive weekly news which invites reflection on pedagogical issues and collect information / documentation. Participants are part of the building of this NFE News. Also a closed private Facebook group will be created to promote interactions between participants before TC starts.

Issues / topics tackled: perception / recognition of NFE in your country, methods you use/have used…

A fundamental flow during the training:

Experiencing: different educational settings, different educational methods (role play, simulation game, exercises...).

Reflecting: on the methods and its impacts, on the power and limits of NFE, on building a pedagogical process…

Transferring: to the own reality of participants, in order to improve ways of working with young people.

Sharing: different perceptions, current situations and experiences.

The after-training consolidation

Trainers will be available for the following 2 months through internet for a supportive and consulting approach towards the defined action plans of the participants. Each participant will have the trainers as their mentors during this period.

This TC will be run by a team of 3 experienced trainers:

Denis Morel (
Jo Claeys (
Simona Molari (

Looking forward to meet you soon!